Tuesday, October 19, 2010



  1. Lindsey Rylander reading 0910 section 1
    This poen sounds mean. It is about Katrina eating up new orleans.

  2. talking about the storm and her power

  3. Angela Griffin read 910 setion 1
    Talking about how the storm start to take new orlens done.

  4. 4. Katrina the poem sounds like a very cocky tone the story is about how the storm destrories the city of New Orleans.
    Bryce B

  5. Nathan Gborplay

    It feels like moment of horror.

  6. Tenzin Yangdol
    0910 section 2

    I think this poem is talking about how powerful katrina was, and it how it destroyed everything.

  7. jake Nelson 910-02
    I Think this peom is about the powers of Hurricance Katrina and nobody truly knows the danger it can bring to a town.

  8. Talks about how bad hurrican katrina was and how bad it has ruined everything.. and it has brought scars to the city

    Jenessa Tesch 0910-02

  9. Leah Ringdal Read 0910 01
    This poem is talking about Katrina as if she was a person.Like she liked the feeling of ripping trees down and hurting elders. She wanted to hear their cries she liked the feeling of hurt and pain.She is talking about she loved every minute of ruining someones life.I feel in this poem it's kinda weird how they relate Katrina to a person. They are always saying how she is feeling when storms don't have feelings they are storms. I could feel the anger that came along with Katrina.

  10. PaDao Vang Read 0910-02

    This poem is about how powerful Katrina. The wind was blown so hard that the trees were falling down. Things were broken down and flying all over the place. I feel horrific as the poem goes.
